iMetronomn Privacy Policy

Who the developer is

The developer’s website address is:

What personal data we collect and why we collect it

Support site

When users of this app visit the support site, some personal data will be collected by the support site.
We recommend you to review the privacy policy of the support site posted at

Application data

Due to the nature of this application, following data is collected and stored into the local storage of your device.


Information about iMetronomn configurations you save to the iMetronomn built-in library is stored into the local storage of your device. This information are not sent anywhere and not shared with anyone.

Sharing configuration

This app allows you to share the iMetronomn configuration with other apps installed on your device. This app simply passes the iMetronomn configuration data to Apple’s inter-app communication library and does not collect any information about how/what the iMetronomn configuration is shared with.


Information about the preference you configured is stored into the local storage of your device. This information are not sent anywhere and not shared with anyone.

In App Purchase

Information about the items you purchased with Apple’s In-App-Purchase is stored into the local storage of your device. This information are not sent anywhere and not shared with anyone except Apple.


This app does not deal cookies.

Links to third-party web sites

This app does not show any link to 3rd party.


This app does not use your data for any analytics.

Who we share your data with

This app does not share any personal data with anyone.

How long your data remains

Your data stored into the local storage of your device by this app will be remain until you uninstall this app from your device.

What rights you have over your data

You have right to delete the data stored by this app.
To delete such data, please uninstall this app from your device.
When you uninstall this app, the data stored by this app will be deleted too.

Where your data is stored

Because your data collected by this app is stored into your device locally unless backing up to cloud storage, your data will be lost in following cases.

Uninstalling app

If you uninstall this app, all data stored to the device local storage by this app will be deleted with the app.

Initializing device

If you initialize your device, this app and the data stored on the device will be erased.

Contact Information

If you have any question or suggestion, or if you find any issue with this app, please visit developer’s web site at